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Abstracts should be prepared in Reach Text Format (RTF) for MS Word and written in English.

Abstract size should not exceed one page.

File size should not exceed 2 Mb.


Page layout:

Page orientation: Portrait

Margins: Top and bottom margins – 2 cm, left and right margins – 2.3 cm.

Font: Times New Roman 13 pt

Font for the abstract title: Times New Roman bold 14 pt, CAPITAL LETTERS

Line spacing: single

The name of the presenting author should be underlined

It is possible to include figures and tables compatible with RTF-format in the abstract text.



In order to save the space, references can be put in a single paragraph. In this case references should be separated by period. Please avoid using automatic numeration of references.

Please keep the following rules:

Books: Authors N.N. (italic) Book title. City, publisher, year.

Papers: Authors N.N. (italic) Source title. Volume (bold), page, (year, in parentheses).

Conference abstracts: Authors N.N. (italic) Conference title. Conference venue (year, in parentheses). Volume (bold), page.


Please use the standard Chemical Abstracts Source Service Index terminology followed by VOLUME, PAGE, YEAR.

Abstract sample file.