Abstracts should be prepared in Reach Text Format (RTF) for MS Word and written in English.
Abstract size should not exceed one page.
File size should not exceed 2 Mb.
Page layout:
Page orientation: Portrait
Margins: Top and bottom margins – 2 cm, left and right margins – 2.3 cm.
Font: Times New Roman 13 pt
Font for the abstract title: Times New Roman bold 14 pt, CAPITAL LETTERS
Line spacing: single
The name of the presenting author should be underlined
It is possible to include figures and tables compatible with RTF-format in the abstract text.
In order to save the space, references can be put in a single paragraph. In this case references should be separated by period. Please avoid using automatic numeration of references.
Please keep the following rules:
Books: Authors N.N. (italic) Book title. City, publisher, year.
Papers: Authors N.N. (italic) Source title. Volume (bold), page, (year, in parentheses).
Conference abstracts: Authors N.N. (italic) Conference title. Conference venue (year, in parentheses). Volume (bold), page.
Please use the standard Chemical Abstracts Source Service Index terminology followed by VOLUME, PAGE, YEAR.